Sales and Service Team


Sunny Zhou

Manager Director

Cindy Wang

Financial Executive

Andy Qian

Senior Business Manager

Bruce Wang

Senior Business Manager

Lisa Zhang

Marketing Manager

Flora Mao

Sales Representative

Jessie Liu

Sales Representative
We have 16 years of experience in surfing hardware industry, providing our products and services to over a thousand companies and individuals worldwide. The quality of our products is recognized by the best brands in the industry, with whom we maintain long-term partnerships. Whether for corporate or individual clients, we offer impeccable service.

Research and Development Team


Miles He

General Manager

Owen Zhu

Chief Engineer

Bob Gong

Graphic Designer

Tang Tang

Product Manager
We are always pursuing new materials, new processes, and new designs. Our team of engineers can assist professional clients in shortening the development cycle of new products, and can also help partners with ideas turn their hand-drawn sketches into excellent products.

Professional Certificates

We firmly adheres to the concept of compliance, ensuring every product is reliable and safe to use.